Property Managers
NeighborhoodScout gives you the most trusted neighborhood crime risk, trend and forecast data, and the deepest dive into market demographics and exclusive Market Rent™ by number of bedrooms for every neighborhood in America. Optimize your rents and increase your occupancy by running reports quarterly for each of your properties. 640 critical big data elements come in five themes for any address—instant, objective, and accurate data that gives you the advantage in every market.
Understand your prospective renters.
Our tool delivers demographic trends within 1 mile of your property. More young families equals more demand for multiple bedrooms or SFRs. More young, single professionals means demand for studios and one bedrooms will go up. Know vacancy rates and trends, transience, crime risk, true market rents by number of bedrooms, and more.

Tune to your market.
Adjust rents to fit the local rental market. Offer deals for the right tenants and reduce your turnover. Increase prices for the types of units in most demand. Tune each property to its location and maximize returns, occupancy and reduce expensive turnover.
I think you have a fantastic resource with NeighborhoodScout!
Use our exclusive crime risk data to tenant screen.
High violent crime risk at a tenant’s current address is correlated with crime coming to their new address: your property. Use NeighborhoodScout to get violent crime risk data for any prospective tenant’s previous address as part of your tenant screening process. You get fast, objective, new insights at your fingertips.

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